Friday, 1 January 2010

The Last Post

Thank you for watching.


Anonymous said...

Odi et amo. Quare id faciam, fortasse requiris.
Nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.


I hate and I love. Why I do this, you may wonder
I don’t know, but it's happening (I feel it), and I'm crucified.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Duckie, but I simply couldn't resist this --

IT'S SO O B V I O U S !!

[and the solo (about 2 minutes in), along with the harmonies of Vaughan Williams, I would happily fall off a cliff for . .]

Congratulations, Sarah, and good luck!!

Anonymous said...

Farewell and goodbye
Endings bring New Beginnings
Over the horizon.


Anonymous said...

. . the original, of course, is way better:

Ted said...

Whither shall we wander?

Anonymous said...

I've been through this and that of you and your ART on this show-place, and you and your work is
B E A U T I F U L (and challenging, and molto expressive, and full, and rainbow-distinct, and hard/difficult, and
t r u t h f u l and purpley-red, bluey-pink, sort-of; probably-not?)

Please come back - don't go!
Please come back - don't go!

we're fucked, if you go,
E V E R Y O N E I S ! !

Anonymous said...

The previous Little-Wing link in the previous link is dead now, so here's another Little-Wing link